Baby Support Floor Seat helps infant & kids to learn how sit & also helps them to correct their back posture.
Baby feels comfortable & relaxing while sitting in sofa seat, they can also play with toys & eat food while sitting.
High quality soft material cover, fiber / cotton balls fillings
- The outer part of the baby seat is super soft plush, soft as baby's skin, and the inner material is 100% PP cotton. All materials are safe and comfortable for babies.
- The filling can be taken out, also sofa fabric can be washed, does not fade or shed, the fabric is non-irritating, the color is fresh, the facial embroidery is exquisite, the expression is vivid and cute, and the baby will love it.
- The baby floor seat can support the baby's back and help them sit more firmly. Provide your baby with a soft chair to sit on the floor.
- This baby sitting chair can support the baby's back well and help develop the head and neck muscles.
- This plush children's seat has high safety performance and is suitable for children over 4 months.
- Fabric is very soft and can be washed by washing machine.
- Ideal gift for your baby, your grandson, your friend's child, so that the baby has a different childhood.
- The novel and unique humanized design are ergonomic and very safe. Designed to perfectly fit your baby's contours, providing maximum comfort and support.
- Suitable for 0 to 24 Months
- Function: learn to sit and play
- Material: high elastic PP cotton
- Package includes : 1 sofa